Sorry about the delay in posting, there was an update to blogspot last night that stopped us from posting.
Today we are proud to introduce a weekly installment called LETTER OF THE WEEK. This purpose of these pieces is to highlight the different parts of the LGBT Community and let each slice of the pie have a moment in the spotlight.
Without further ado, I have you our first...
L is for LESBIAN
What is it?
There are a few definitions floating around that people seem to adhere by.
A lesbian is a female homosexual: a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females.[1][2] The term lesbian is also used to express sexual identity or sexual behavior regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction.[2][3] - WikipediaIn short, the term lesbian is a self-identifying term for "a woman who is attracted to other women." Some people that use this term might be non-binary (a segment we will get to later in the series) but choose to use it to identify themselves. Some people may also be attracted to people other than women but choose to use this term if it generally describes them.
Lesbians in pop culture!
Actors, Singers and Comedians:Actress Jodie Foster, Actress Lisa Hunt, and Comedian Wanda Sykes
Video game, comic book, cartoon, anime, etc. characters:
Karma from Marvel's X-Men, Athena from Borderlands, Sailor Neptune/Michuri from Sailor Moon
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This site looks like a very helpful one for the community of LGBT. The society now is slowly being more accepting towards them, it is getting simpler especially for the people of UK getting LGBT friendly jobs as gotten somewhat easy.
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