Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why Straight Marriages May Not Benefit Society More or Less than Gay Marriages

On Friday, during a campaign stop at William Woods University University in Fulton, Missouri, anti-gay Republican presidential nominee Rick Santorum said: “Two people who may like each other or may love each other who are same-sex, is that a special relationship? Yes, it is, but it is not the same relationship that benefits society like a marriage between a man and a woman.”

While this is not surprising at all, it brings up some important points. One, it is a flimsy statement if used in the practical sense. It may be a valid argument that same-sex marriages do not benefit society in the same way that straight marriages do. After all, we can’t have children without outside help or adoption. That’s about it. But then a counterargument can emerge where one says that we do benefit society in that sense because we are adopting children that may not be adopted if there wasn’t a relationship.

The second point is that straight, American marriages are definitely a great strain on society. Though it is frequently heard that 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce, this is not 100% accurate. Surprise! It’s worse, and though the numbers vary, they are pretty close, going up for second and third marriages.

Divorce has an economical and social strain on our society. First of all, it's expensive for both parties in terms of time and money. Second, it tears apart families.

Kim Kardashian was married for 72 hours, and Republican presidential nominee Newt Gingrich was married 3 times. How is this beneficial to society? In addition, marriage is federal civil right, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. I don’t know anyone who would vote for Rick Santorum. Do you?

David Tejeda (Secretary)

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